Vaginal Steam Healing

Vaginal Steam Healing


Through steam and medicinal herbs, vaginal or yoni steams promote increased blood flow and increased oxygen to the pelvic floor area. Can bring relief to: menstruation issues (such as cramping, dark/brown/black blood, spotting before and after period, excessive mood swings or clotting) endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, polyps, prolapse, pcos, infertility, post-partum recovery, post-hysterectomy, infections, sexual trauma recovery, and infections. In addition to these physical benefits, the 20 minutes you spend grounding into your pelvic floor can be a way to reclaim your connection to your feminine center, which is important post baby, post bleeding, or post trauma.

Once purchased, Tawny will connect to schedule your session. For questions contact

*Don’t steam while pregnant or bleeding and wait 6 week after giving birth or until bleeding has stopped. Check with your doctor or medical professional

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