What is a Doula?
The role of the Doula is to provide continuous physical and emotional support through pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. During labor, the Doula’s job is to focus on the needs of the pregnant person and their partner - guiding the laboring person through the use of their breath, voice, body positioning, gentle massage can be offered, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, encouragment, education, visualization, meditation, advocacy and whatever is needed for that unique birth and moment.
However you choose to give birth, unmedicated, medicated, or surgically, the support of a Doula is incredibly beneficial in lowering stress, increasing birth satidfaction, and reducing the odds of unnecessary interventions.
People who received continuous support in this study were more likely to have spontaneous vaginal births and less likely to have any pain medication, epidurals, negative feelings about childbirth, vacuum or forceps-assisted births, and Cesareans. In addition, their labors were shorter by about 40 minutes and their babies were less likely to have low Apgar scores at birth. There is a smaller amount of evidence that doula support in labor can lower postpartum depression in mothers. There is no evidence for negative consequences to continuous labor support. Another study to read on the Impact of Doulas - On Healthy Birth Outcomes and or listen to this fantastic song and its honest lyrics all about what a Doula- la-la does!
9 Reasons To Hire A Doula
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Studies Show That Doulas…
“When you help one woman, you help an entire family, and when a family is given the supprt they need we help to create a world and a future full of beauty and joy”