
Fire is the element of transformation and illumination – the intelligence of its metabolizing force lights the path forward. 

As we move more deeply into Spring, the sun’s radiant heat warms the Western hemisphere and the fire element comes out to usher us towards Summer. Fire brings expansion, growth, activity, creativity, fun and the lightness and brightness of longer days. 

Fire holds the power of transformation. The heat of fire literally breaks down matter and transforms it to its pure potential. In the body, the acidic nature of our digestive fire breaks down the foods we eat, separating them into essential and non-essential parts that become the foundation for nourishment and waste products. In the mind, a healthy fire brings the energy of discernment, allowing us to see what is true and what is not, bringing clarity and the courage to act accordingly. Fire gives us the presence to feel and activates the will to cut through inertia and stagnation like a sword, sharpened with determination and clear direction. The fire element gives us the willingness to face what is in front of us, to bravely stay with the discomfort and to transform the pain into compassion. Fire burns the way to a new version of self, allowing us to rise like a phoenix from the ashes. 

Healthy fire lights our individual paths, giving us energy to take the steps we need to take in order to move forward in alignment with our values and truths.

Sometimes in our lives, we experience changes that take us into the unknown edges of our growth. Fire is the path for cutting through the fear of the old limiting patterns, thoughts and expectations so that we can birth a new reality physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually. When we sit in the fire, it can take us to the other side of our consciousness by illuminating the veils of ignorance and attachment and fueling appropriate action. It burns through what needs to be transformed or removed and reveals what is true.

A good amount of fire sparks joy, wit, and logic. Too much fire can result in anger or fury. Too little fire makes one feel weak and undirected. How do you experience your fire?

It is the archetype of the lover, providing warmth, passion, desire, sensuality and sexuality. How do you relate to your desire? How are you the lover in your life? 

In Ayurveda, fire is hot, sharp, light, penetrating and slightly oily. It is related to light, heat and color, providing us with vision, both through the eyes and the inner seeing of the mind.  Another word for fire is agni, which allows us to digest and metabolize the food we eat and our emotional experiences. Fire also gives us the will to walk in the direction we want to go. This month we will attend and attune to the fire element by caring for our eyes and exploring through our feet.

In yoga, we activate our spiritual fire through asana, bandha (energetic holds), pranayama and meditation. This month we will practice strengthening our awareness by using these tools to feed our inner fires of transformation.

~How will you tend to fire this month?~



Training Call

In this call Tawny will introduce Fire with poetry, education, journal prompts and musings. Tawny will explain how to create ritual around the element Fire.

Select the Rituals button to download or view six simple rituals we can do to honor the Fire element this month. Choose one or more, and feel free to add your own. We’ll share our experiences at monthly Circle on the 4th Thursday this month. 





The pranayama practice of “breath of fire” can help transform the body mind by activating the fire element to cleanse and purify the body, which can have a clarifying effect on the mind. You’ll want to do this practice on an empty stomach. Avoid if you are pregnant or menstruating.

This guided meditation offers a visualization for meditating on the flame of awareness at the navel center for inner transformation.



Eco-Activism Challenge

The list below is by no means exhaustive. Feel free to share ideas to our Facebook group so that we can grow this list and this work.

  1. Become Firewise

    If you live in a climate prone to wildfires, learn about how to get firewise by creating defensible space in your landscape. For example, remove dead and dying vegetation, trim tree canopies regularly to keep their branches a minimum of 15 feet from structures, and remove trees and volatile plants that would easily combust if there was a wildfire. You can also install hardscape around the perimeter of the house to create a firewall from vegetation.

    For more information, consult these websites and others: 



  2. Line-dry your Clothing

    Take a nod from our grandmothers and let the sun do the work for you, saving electricity and honoring the sun.  Choose a space outside to hang a clothesline or drying rack and hang your clothes in the morning and afternoon sun, letting the sun and air refresh your laundry.

  3. Solar cooking

    Try cooking over an open fire this month – whether it’s firing up the grill, using your stove instead of a microwave or even a fire pit. The use of fire in cooking has greatly shaped how we have evolved as humans, and how we digest our food. Try connecting with this potent energy for cooking your food this month. 

  4. Rehome wood for making fire

    We often buy firewood, but there are plenty of fallen branches and trees that could bring fuel to the fireplace at home or while camping. Be on the look for tree-trimmed branches and timber you could save for use next winter. It helps clean up the forest floors in the effort to reduce the spread of wildfire.


  5. Solar Energy

    Explore using solar panels in your home, office or school. The following are some companies and articles that describe the benefits of solar energy and how it can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Some governments offer rebates for converting to solar. It’s good for the planet!




~How will you honor and protect fire this month?~




May 6

On this QOYA dance we gather together to welcome in FIRE!

Our QOYA movement class will support us to let this wise element find home first within our own bodies.

The theme we'll be moving with is 'The Courage to stay in the heat of Transformation. When we do so we allow ourselves to realize our highest potential. Invitation to have a candle near by as you dance or to take your class into the sunshine if posible.




May 13

In this class, we will learn about the element of fire from an Ayurvedic view, offer guidelines for healthy digestion, and offer self-care to the eyes with a rose water eye bath, a purifying candle-gazing exercise and color therapy. Have on hand rose water, an eye glass or shot glass will work, a candle and items of a variety of colors.




April 15

This month we will use asana, bandha (energetic holds), pranayama and meditation to stoke our inner fire and strengthen our awareness.

If you’d like to practice alongside some mellow yoga music, feel free to play this playlist on Spotify along with the video, or any music you enjoy, or enjoy silence as you practice! You do you!! Enjoy this great movement practice as you connect to the fire within.




May 27

We’ll gather this month near the full moon (and the eclipse) to create sacred space, to sweetly slow ourselves down, sing, share, and feel the energies of FIRE, together. We’ll journal on what has currently been illuminated in our life, how we are being in reciprocity with the elements inside us and outside of us and we’ll thank FIRE for the time we spent in connection.