Postpartum Tips


To help reintegrate your body and heart…

Because postpartum is naturally a bit of a disorienting time, it is a lot to adjust to. You’ll get through it because you can do hard things. But I’d love to give you some tips on how to help you through it. I understand the feeling when your postpartum recovery isn’t completely straightforward, whatever your issues are, emotionally or physically, or both. It can be so frustrating to not be able to just fast forward to feeling better again and more like you. There is nothing more frustrating than wanting to feel normal again and for it to not happen as quickly as you’d like. I've been there myself after giving birth to my daughter Athena I hemorrhaged, suffered from pelvic prolapse, diastasis recti, (the separation of the rectus abdominal muscles), and couldn't find anybody to help me at the time. I heard from many that what I was feeling was normal. This was not what my heart felt to be true. Common for postpartum mothers, yes, but not normal. I knew my body could heal, I just didn’t know how yet.

I was finally introduced to a few different types of modalities that brought great relief. These are what I'll share with you. They all are about rebuilding and recreating the foundational strength and connections to one’s self, slowly and properly. As a yoga teacher and postpartum doula, it's this type of rebuilding and re-education on movement that I find to be imperative to effective to sustainable recovery post-baby. 

Lots of these tips come from my personal experience of giving birth, and from the mother’s I have helped.

Sending love + healing during this powerful time of transformation,




  • Consuming my placenta. This rebuilds hormones and energy and can prevent postpartum depression. Look into TCM preparation for the placenta.

  • Find a pelvic floor PT to see postpartum, regardless of how the birth went

  • Resting for 30 days post-delivery (or more)... It takes a while for the body to rebuild lost blood and recover your energy from birthing so rest and take it EASY. Your body may feel weak and tired but slowly you'll regain your energy. Cocooning for the first 40 days, the sacred window, is so important. Do the best you can. Let others take care of you so you can take care of baby.

  • Keep your body warm. Warm liquids, teas, (chai tea is great) warm soups, blankets, and wearing socks all help the body recover. These things will decrease Vata imbalances. Vata represents the air element in Ayurvedic medicine and is what can most likely get off balance postpartum. Giving birth moves a lot of air in the body. Warming the body decreases Vata imbalances.

  • Get listening support: a friend, your mother, a postpartum doula, etc. Have someone there to support you through this time, to share how your birth and healing is going. This is so very important

  • Chlorella drops- This helped me build my blood back, if you lost blood this could help

  • Coconut water- This too helped me build my blood and helped in keeping me hydrated to breastfeed.

  • Chinese herbs for blood building- This helped me build my blood back after losing a lot. See an acupuncturist postpartum if you lost a lot of blood or have other concerns.

  • Floradex (liquid herbal iron support)- This helped me build my blood back after losing a lot

  • Eating super nutritious foods adding some vitamins and supplements too. Staying away from to much sugar or sweet juices so baby doesn't get thrush in their mouth. Bone broths are great, as is eating a bit more meat than before birth to support your recovery.

  • Gratitude. Gratitude for being alive. I realized that I was lucky to be alive after hemorrhaging. Unfortunately, women still die in childbirth. Had I given birth in a different era or country I may have died. All births have celebrations and mournings. Focus on what you are grateful for.

  • Vaginal steaming - helps tissues repair and prolapse. This is best to do once bleeding has stopped. More details on steaming HERE.

  • Doing gentle postpartum pelvic floor therapeutic movements that relief prolapse and diastasis recti, that help in regaining core stability

  • 2 tablespoons of ghee a day. Good healthy oils and fats are very important for recovery

  • Oil the body with whatever warm oil your skin loves, self-massage or receive a massage.

  • Sealing the bones ceremony is a postpartum healing ritual that helps the mind-body-spirit of a new mom. Details HERE.

Article on the importance of cacophony for the first 40 days!

The first hour of birth

Postpartum Depression:

Postpartum affirmations that can help:

Keep breathing! 

I know resting is important

All my feelings are welcome!

This is temporary!!

This isn’t forever!!

I’m changing beautifully!

I've got this!!

I'm doing a great job!!

My baby loves me and needs me

I am loved! 

I am not alone 

Vaginal Steaming

Vaginal Steaming Info Video:

Postpartum Vaginal Steaming Study: